Quick Time 関係の Atom は [[Quick Time Atom Index:http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/APIREF/AlphabeticalIndexofAtoms.htm]] を見よ
*ftyp [#o7fe440a]
 Size               Unsigned int(32)    size of box
 Box Name           Unsigned int(32)    'ftyp'
 Brand              Unsigned int(32)    'kddi'<-auの場合
 Miner Version      Unsigned int(32)    00 00 00 00<-ReleaseX.Y.Zだと00 0X 0Y 0Z
 Compatible Brands  Unsigned int(32)    'kddi'<-互換ブランド本ブランドも含み列挙される
 [Compatible Brands Unsigned int(32)    '3g2a''3gp5''3gp4' etc...]

*uuidmvml [#r4986697]
 Size               Unsigned int(32)    size of box (Fixed? 00 00 00 24)
 Box Name           Unsigned int(32)    'uuid'
 Sub Name           Unsigned int(32)    'mvml'
 uuid               12 Bytes            A8 8C 11 D4 81 97 00 90 27 08 77 03<-kddi共通(?)
 Reserved?          4 Bytes             00 00 00 00
 Flag               4 Bytes       FF FF E8 00
 Timestamp          Unsigned int(32)    1904/01/01 0:00:00 からの経過秒数

Flag 4 Bytes 最初の FF FF は固定(?)L判だとFFFFE805 ボイスだとFFFFE000だとか

*uuidenci [#z815e386]
 Size               Unsigned int(32)    size of box (Fixed? 00 00 00 3C)
 Box Name           Unsigned int(32)    'uuid'
 Sub Name           Unsigned int(32)    'enci'
 uuid               12 Bytes            A8 8C 11 D4 81 97 00 90 27 08 77 03
 Reserved?          4 Bytes             00 00 00 00
 Hardware Name?     16 Bytes            'KDDI-SN.W31S....'<- kddi sony W31S(.は00) 機種によっていろいろ
 Encoder version?   8 Bytes             'SNMP4EN1'<- sony mpeg4 encoder 1?これも
 Encoder Type?      8 Bytes             'SNMP4MP1'<- sony mpeg4 ...??? 機種によってちがう

*uuidcpgd [#tf3f10c2]
 Size               Unsigned int(32)    size of box (Fixed? 00 00 00 2C)
 Box Name           Unsigned int(32)    'uuid'
 Sub Name           Unsigned int(32)    'cpgd'
 uuid               12 Bytes            A8 8C 11 D4 81 97 00 90 27 08 77 03
 Flag               4 Bytes             00 00 00 00
 Flag?              4 Bytes             00 00 00 00
 Expiration         Unsigned int(32)    00 00 00 00<-有効期限(日付または日数(?))
 Playback count     Unsigned int(32)    00 00 00 00<-再生回数

uuidcpgdがないと転送不可著作権ありになるみたいです。(W31S) CoPy GuarD?
*uuidchku [#pdba10c1]
 Size               Unsigned int(32)    size of box
 Box Name           Unsigned int(32)    'uuid'
 Sub Name           Unsigned int(32)    'chku'
 uuid               12 Bytes            A8 8C 11 D4 81 97 00 90 27 08 77 03
 Reserved?          4 Bytes             00 00 00 00


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